Diablo 4 Class Tier List Ign

Diablo 4 Class Tier List: IGN

Diablo 4 is one of the most anticipated games of all time, and it’s finally here. Players have been eagerly awaiting the opportunity to explore the world of Sanctuary and the many classes available in the game. With so many options to choose from, it’s hard to know which class is the best. IGN has compiled a tier list of the Diablo 4 classes to help you make an informed decision.

S-Tier Classes

The S-Tier classes are the best of the best. These classes are the most powerful and versatile in Diablo 4 and should be the first choice for any serious player. The S-Tier classes are:

  • Necromancer
  • Barbarian
  • Sorcerer

The Necromancer is the undisputed king of the S-Tier classes. With its powerful spells, powerful summons, and ability to raise the dead, the Necromancer is a force to be reckoned with. The Barbarian is a close second, with its formidable physical prowess and ability to go toe-to-toe with the toughest of enemies. The Sorcerer is a powerful spellcaster that can manipulate the elements to devastating effect.

A-Tier Classes

The A-Tier classes are powerful in their own right, but they lack the versatility and power of the S-Tier classes. These classes are still powerful, but they require more skill to use effectively. The A-Tier classes are:

  • Amazon
  • Druid
  • Paladin
  • Assassin

The Amazon is a powerful ranged fighter that can use a variety of weapons and spells to great effect. The Druid is a shapeshifter that can take on the form of various beasts, and can use nature magic to devastating effect. The Paladin is a holy warrior that can use divine magic to protect and heal allies. The Assassin is a powerful melee fighter that can use stealth and poison to great effect.

B-Tier Classes

The B-Tier classes are less powerful than the A-Tier classes, but they still have their uses. These classes are best suited to players who want to play a specific role or who want to explore a different playstyle. The B-Tier classes are:

  • Monk
  • Demon Hunter
  • Witch Doctor

The Monk is a martial artist who can take on multiple enemies at once and use their fists and feet to great effect. The Demon Hunter is a ranged fighter who can use bows and crossbows to great effect. The Witch Doctor is a powerful spellcaster who can use dark magic to great effect.

C-Tier Classes

The C-Tier classes are the weakest of the bunch, but they can still be effective in the right hands. These classes are best suited to players who want to experiment with different playstyles or who want to play a specific role. The C-Tier classes are:

  • Crusader
  • Wizard

The Crusader is a tanky melee fighter who can absorb a lot of damage and dish out a lot of punishment. The Wizard is a powerful spellcaster who can manipulate the elements to great effect.


Choosing the right class for your playstyle is a crucial part of playing Diablo 4. With so many options to choose from, it can be overwhelming. Hopefully, this tier list has given you an idea of which class is the best for you. Good luck, and happy hunting!

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